Ryan Cooper

Ryan Cooper

Author of Camping Campaign




Address: California Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 84104, USA


Ryan completed a Bachelor’s degree in English with a focus on Creative Writing from University of Colorado Boulder – Boulder, Colorado. He has participated in numerous writing workshops and published short stories in literary magazines.





Ryan Cooper, 38, is a storyteller at heart. Raised on classic adventure novels and epic fantasies, he developed a deep appreciation for the power of words. His blog is an extension of his imaginative world, combining his love for writing with his fascination for outdoor escapades.

Personality Traits

Imaginative: Ryan’s mind is an ever-expanding universe of ideas and tales. He enjoys crafting fictional narratives inspired by real-life adventures and nature’s wonders.

Versatile: As a multi-genre writer, Ryan’s blog features a blend of travel stories, fantasy narratives set in the wilderness, and practical camping tips.

Community-Oriented: Ryan actively engages with his blog’s community, encouraging them to share their own stories and experiences.

Ambitious Dreamer: Always dreaming big, Ryan envisions turning his blog into a successful platform for his novels and storytelling projects.

Writing Style

Ryan’s writing style is imaginative, immersive, and often has a touch of magic and wonder. He aims to transport his readers to fantastical realms while grounding his content with practical insights for camping enthusiasts.

Blog Niche

Ryan’s blog, “The Wandering Quill,” is an enchanting blend of storytelling and camping guides. He uses his fiction writing skills to craft captivating tales inspired by nature, along with practical advice for readers to explore the world themselves.


  • Publish a series of fantasy novels with nature as the backdrop.
  • Host storytelling workshops to inspire creativity and writing in the outdoors.
  • Collaborate with illustrators and artists to create visual companions for his stories.
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Camping Campaign

we are a team of dedicated campers, sharing our personal tales from the great outdoors, inspiring you with thrilling stories under the stars. But that’s not all! we also serve up practical, insightful content on camping, helping you navigate the wilderness with ease. From the latest gadgets to the most reliable gear, we review a wide range of camping essentials, making sure you’re always prepared for your next adventure.



Quick Links
Get In Touch

778 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA 02120, USA

  • Email 1: admin@campingcampaign.com
  • Email 2:support@campingcampaign.com
  • Phone: +1-202-555-0140
  • Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00AM – 5:00PM

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