Best Camping Flashlight

Flashlight in the Night

Best Camping Flashlight in 2023 | Camping Campaign

Author of Camping Campaign

Written By Ryan Cooper


Camping Campaign

Camping is the great escape where you trade WiFi for wildflowers, concrete for trees, and office lighting for the flickering dance of a campfire. But let’s be real, when the sun drops faster than your cell phone battery at 1%, you don’t want to navigate the labyrinth of tent stakes and sleeping bags with only the dim light of your smartphone. Having a Flashlight is a basic camping gadget.


That’s why you, dear reader, need a great camping flashlight that can outshine a Broadway marquee. A beacon of hope in the darkest forest—or, you know, just a really reliable way to find your way back to the tent after a midnight bathroom break. So stick around as we illuminate the path to finding the best camping flashlights for your next adventure. From heavy-duty torches to lightweight LEDs, we’ve got the lowdown on how to light up your night like the 4th of July. Trust us, even moths will be jealous.

Our Top Picks

Best Overall

GearLight S1000 (1)

Best Portable

NEBO Torchy 1,000-Lumen Pocket Flashlight4

Best Budget

RECHOO Flashlight S3000L 1

I’ve explored and tested various rockers throughout my outdoor adventures to bring you a curated list of the top 10 contenders. From the coziest padded seats to the most portable foldable designs, we’ll discover which camping rocking chair reigns supreme in camping comfort and convenience.
So, join me on this rocking journey as we explore these fantastic camping chairs, each offering unique features and pros and cons. This article will be your go-to guide to the best camping rocking chairs for embracing the ultimate rocking comfort in the great outdoors.

Table of Contents

If Zeus Were a Camper, He’d Use the GearLight S1000 | Best Overall 2023

Best Overall Camping Flashlight - GearLight S1000

Check Price

Brand ‎GearLight
Item Weight ‎5.1 ounces
Batteries ‎1 Lithium Ion batteries required.
Assembled Height ‎1.57 inches
Assembled Length ‎6.1 inches
Assembled Width ‎1.57 inches
Item Package Quantity ‎2
Material ‎Aluminum

if you’re out camping and tired of reliable flashlights that offer the lumens of a glow-in-the-dark sticker? Fed up with gear that cracks when you drop it, like an egg in a cooking show fail? Well, keep reading, because the GearLight S1000 might just be the Zeus of flashlights—a literal lightning bolt in your pocket. This is the best flashlight I ever met. 


The Moment I Fell in Love: A Tale of One Dark Night 

Listen, as a professional camping gadget tester, I’ve seen my fair share of flashlights that were more disappointing than a rain-soaked campfire. But one evening, as I was playing a particularly suspenseful game of “Shadow Puppets” in my tent, the S1000 threw light like Freddie Mercury threw shade—effortlessly and with style. With its five modes and zoomable beam, the S1000 turned my humble tent into a Broadway stage. Delving into the Features Of course! 


Let’s delve deeper into the vault of the GearLight S1000’s incredible features, highlighting its radiant strengths which made it top pick and acknowledging a few of its dimly lit flaws. 


Key Features

More Than Meets the Eye

A Radiant Beacon of Hope: No exaggeration here. With 5 adaptable modes, from a steady glow to a pulsing SOS, the S1000 has a setting for every nighttime narrative, whether you’re reading ghost stories or signaling to the friendly UFOs you’re certain are hovering above.

Fort Knox Level Durability: Crafted from the kind of aluminum one might imagine on Iron Man’s suit, this flashlight is your near-invincible companion. Designed to withstand a tumble or two, it’s more resilient than a cat with nine lives.

Svelte and Sleek Design: While its capabilities are vast, its size is anything but. Designed for maximum portability, this light is more like a magical orb that slips right into your pocket, ready to guide you through Mordor or your backyard.

Accessorize to Mesmerize: Apart from the flashlight’s inherent prowess, the pack is brimming with goodies—from hand straps ensuring you won’t fling your light into the abyss, to battery holders that remind you of its hunger for power.

Energetic Dynamo: Powered by a single Lithium-Ion battery, this torch promises to burn brighter and longer, keeping the night at bay and ensuring that the creepy crawlies stay just outside the ring of light. 


Shining Qualities of this Luminous Wonder

  1. Indestructible (Almost): Drop it, fling it, play catch with it—this isn’t your delicate porcelain. The S1000 is built to endure the rough-and-tumble outdoor life, almost challenging you to try and dent it.

    Swiss Army Light: Just like the versatile pocket knife, the five modes make it adaptable for every situation. Lost in the woods? SOS mode. Late-night bathroom trip? Subdued steady mode.

    Simplicity at its Best: Designed with all users in mind, it’s the kind of device that would make even those who still own flip phones nod with understanding.

    Splash-Proof: Rain, sleet, or snow, the S1000 is like that mail carrier that just won’t quit. While it can’t go deep-sea diving with you, it’ll endure a sudden downpour or accidental puddle drop.

    Double the Glow: Because one is never enough, GearLight generously packs in two flashlights. One for you, one for a buddy, or perhaps, one as a backup for when you lend your primary to said buddy and they inevitably misplace it. 


Every Hero Has Its Achilles Heel

The Eternal Battery Quest: Alas, in this generous package, batteries are conspicuously absent. We live in an era where cars can drive themselves, but flashlight packages still don’t come battery-ready.

Not Aquaman’s Torch: While it scoffs at splashes and sneers at the rain, submerge it in a river, and you might just hear it gasp. Remember, water-resistant does not equal waterproof! 


Be the Light You Want to See in the World To wrap this up like a snug sleeping bag, the GearLight S1000 isn’t just a flashlight on the market; it’s an outdoor experience transformer. Its radiant light can turn a dark and foreboding forest into a welcoming woodland wonderland. Plus, it’s tougher than a bear who took self-defense classes. If you’ve been stumbling through your camping trips with a subpar flashlight, it’s time to see the light—literally. Grab your GearLight S1000 and use your flashlight to blaze a trail!


A Tale of NEBO Torchy, The 1,000-Lumen Miracle | Best Small / Best Portable

Ah, you’ve heard of David and Goliath, haven’t you? A classic tale where the little guy packs a wallop. Now allow me to introduce you to the David of flashlights: The NEBO Torchy, an itty-bitty titan that might just be the answer to your EDC (Everyday Carry, folks) dreams which is one of the best camping flashlights of 2023.


The Trial of Torchy: A Nocturnal Adventure

The best way to get to know a gadget is to take it out for a spin. So, in the spirit of Bear Grylls and other wild wanderers, I took the Torchy out for a jaunt in the woods—more like a wooded area adjacent to a very safe suburban neighborhood, but who’s counting details?

Here’s the catch: I used Torchy for everything. From setting up my tent and finding that pesky last marshmallow that rolled away, to making sure I didn’t trip over roots in the dark, this little light was my knight in shining armor. Did it make the cut, you ask? Well, read on, wanderer.

NEBO Torchy 1,000-Lumen Pocket Flashlight

Check Price

pecial Feature Waterproof, tactical, standard, key chain, clip, pocket, blacklight
Color Black
Power Source Battery Powered
Light Source Type LED
Material Aluminum

Key Features

A Miniature Marvel

Small But Mighty: It’s not about the size; it’s how you use it. And oh boy, does Torchy use its inches well! At just 2.64 inches in length, it packs a blinding 1,000-lumen Turbo mode. It’s like having a pocket-sized sun.

Smart Power Control: You don’t just get brute strength; you get a sophisticated gentleman of a flashlight. This feature lets you transition smoothly between five modes because context is key.

USB MagCable: USB Rechargeable flashlight is common nowadays. Wireless chargers are the rage, but magnetic chargers for a flashlight? That’s some James Bond-level stuff, my friend.

Multi-Purpose Clip: Wear it on your cap, clip it to your belt, or make it your keychain’s big brother. Your EDC game just got stronger.

Power Memory Recall: It remembers the last setting you used. If that’s not a caring relationship, what is?


Why You’ll Want to Propose to Torchy

Powerhouse Lumens: Did I mention 1,000 lumens? Because it’s worth mentioning again. Your camping neighbor with his puny little light will have flashlight envy.

Adaptable: Whether you’re picking a lock like a spy or sifting through your car’s abyss of a glove compartment, there’s a setting just for that.

Exceptionally Portable: This thing fits in that tiny pocket of your jeans that you never use. It’s EDC magic.

Impervious to the Elements: Made from aircraft-grade aluminum and water-resistant features, this light can survive rougher treatment than your house plant after you’ve been on vacation.

Battery Included: No treasure hunt required. Unpack, switch on, and you’re good to go.


Ah, the Mortal Treadmill of Flaws

Overzealous Turbo: The 1,000-lumen setting is glorious but can be a bit of an energy hog. Keep those activities brief or bring along a power bank for backup.

Not Exactly Inexpensive: While it’s worth every penny, those pennies do add up. Consider this an investment in your future luminary needs.

Could Double as a Stun Gun: This is not a camping lantern, On the highest setting (brightest), you could temporarily blind someone. Use responsibly.

To Buy or Not to Buy?

The NEBO Torchy is the Swiss Army knife of flashlights—compact, versatile, and hardy. In this case, David beats Goliath, and you’d be hard-pressed to find a more capable flashlight at this size. So go on, add this little champion to your arsenal, and make your next outdoor adventure a shining success.

And remember friends, don’t let friends use sub-par flashlights. So, share this gem of a find with your fellow outdoorsy peeps. Happy illuminating, Happy Camping!

Fenix PD36R Pro: The Flashlight With Eyesight Like an Eagle | Best Rechargeable Flashlight Long-Range

Look, I get it. Your average flashlight is the equivalent of the shy kid at the high school dance—awkwardly illuminating just a few feet in front of you while trying to avoid eye contact. But what if I told you there’s a flashlight with the confidence of the prom king and the range of a cross-country runner? Enter the Fenix PD36R Pro.


My Walk on the (Really, Really Long) Wild Side

A flashlight that can throw a beam up to 415 yards? That’s like four football fields, folks. I had to test this baby out. So I headed to an open field—no, not Area 51, despite the temptation.

With my dog Steve and my Fenix PD36R Pro in tow, I aimed the flashlight into the darkness. Ladies and gents, let me tell you, it lit up the field like a pre-teen discovering TikTok for the first time. I could see far and wide, and even Steve was impressed (or maybe just blinded).

Fenix PD36R Pro Flashlight

Check Price


Color Grey
Material Iron, Metal
Product Dimensions 16.13″D x 20.25″W x 40.5″H
Supported weight Supports 300 LBS

Key Features

Specs So Hot, They Need a Warning Label

Lumen Lunacy: Let’s not dance around it. This thing is brighter than a Harvard grad. At a whopping 2800 lumens, it’s a beast.

5 Different Brightness Levels: Whether you’re roasting marshmallows or hunting Bigfoot, there’s a setting for you.

Battery Level Indicator: Knowing when your light’s about to die is better than knowing when your milk is about to expire. Trust me.

Tactical Switcharoo: The dual tail switches let you hop between modes like a kid on a sugar high. Strobe? Momentary-on? Full-on lightsaber mode? It’s all just a flick away.

USB-C Charging: Because it’s almost 2024 and if you’re still using Micro USB, we need to have a serious chat.


Like Finding $20 in Your Winter Coat

You Could Guide Planes With This: The beam distance is what sets it apart. Four hundred fifteen yards is not just a number; it’s a journey.

Built Like a Tank: It’s made of anodized aluminum. If it were any tougher, it would be doing push-ups.

Quick Recharge: The built-in USB-C port makes recharging quicker than a caffeine crash after a double espresso which makes it stand alone in the category of Best Rechargeable Flashlights.

One for All, All for One: From the tactical pro to the casual camper, it’s versatile like a Swiss Army knife.

Five-Mode Fiesta: Different brightness levels mean different moods. From “cozy book reading” to “full-on rave,” you’re covered.


Because Nobody’s Perfect

No Night Vision for Steve: As impressive as the beam is, it’s not exactly pet-friendly. Don’t shine it directly at animals or humans.

Run-Time on Turbo: The higher the brightness, the quicker the battery drains. It’s like a toddler; fun but exhausting.

The Final Verdict

Alright, folks, listen up. If you’re looking for a flashlight that could double as a lighthouse in a pinch, the Fenix PD36R Pro is your guy. It’s like the Hercules of flashlights; strong, dependable, and with a range that would make a Greek God jealous.

So the next time you’re trekking through the woods, or maybe just trying to illuminate the bottomless pit that is your basement, reach for the Fenix PD36R Pro. It won’t just light up the area; it’ll light up your life. Happy adventuring!

The Stalwart 75-WL2005: Say Hello to the Swiss Army Knife of Flashlights! | Best LED Tactical Flashlight

Alright, you rugged survivalists and weekend warriors, listen up! Are you tired of carrying around a Batman-like utility belt every time you venture into the great outdoors or simply go to check your mailbox at night? Well, Stalwart’s got your back—or should I say, your pocket—with its 75-WL2005 Multi Tool LED Flashlight. This thing’s so jam-packed with features, that you’ll feel like you’re carrying a toolbox, minus the hernia.


My Very Real (and Almost Cinematic) Personal Experience

There I was, in a forest so dark even the owls were asking for night-vision goggles, testing this piece of modern sorcery. I wanted to see if this gizmo lived up to the hype. Spoiler alert: it did.

Halfway through my night hike, I decided it was the perfect setting to indulge in a midnight snack. Out popped the knife feature, and before you knew it, I was slicing cheese like a low-budget cooking show host. Right after that, I heard a mysterious noise. Was it a hungry bear? A serial killer? Nah, just a raccoon. But if it had been something more sinister, let me tell you, the strobe setting would’ve thrown the most disorienting dance party any forest creature had ever seen.

Stalwart 75-WL2005

Check Price

Color Black–2pack
Material Alloy Steel
Product Dimensions 33.9″D x 23.8″W x 35.4″H
Support Weight Supports 300 lbs

Key Features

Where Do We Even Start? Multi-Tool Galore

This Stalwart beauty packs more tools than a carpenter’s workshop. It’s got a glass hammer and seat belt cutter for when you need to escape a car faster than a raccoon bolt from a campsite. It even has a knife for your basic wilderness shenanigans or spontaneous charcuterie board endeavors.

Flashlight Brilliance: 60 lumens may not sound like much, but in pitch black, 60 lumens turns into a stage spotlight. It’s enough to make any lurking night critter question their life choices.

Durable and Compact: This multitool is not just plastic; it’s plastic and metal, a harmonious marriage of durability and feather-weightness. Weighing in at just 0.4 pounds, it’s like the featherweight champion of multi-tools.

That Bold Blue Color: Let’s not overlook the aesthetic appeal of this tool. With its bold blue color, you won’t just feel like a survivalist; you’ll feel like a stylish one at that.


It’s like Carrying a Superhero in Your Pocket

Versatility: You’ve got a flashlight, knife, glass hammer, and seatbelt cutter all rolled into one. It’s like having an entire episode of MacGyver in your pocket. this is the most versatile flashlight on this list

Durable: The mix of plastic and metal makes it sturdy enough for your wildest adventures, yet light enough not to weigh you down. 

Stylish: Hey, who says you can’t be practical and look good doing it? The bold blue color is both eye-catching and easy to find when you’re fumbling around in the dark. 


A Few Minor Speedbumps

Battery Not Included: It requires 3 AAA batteries, which are not included. Seriously, in an age where even cereal boxes come with freebies, you’d think they could toss in some batteries. 

Brightness: 60 lumens is good, but if you’re planning on signaling space aliens, you might need something a bit more powerful. 

It’s Not a Transformer: Despite the multitude of tools, it won’t transform into a robot and fight off forest monsters. You’ll have to do that the old-fashioned way.

In the end, a Tactical flashlight is a great gadget to have in solo camping. The Stalwart 75-WL2005 Multi Tool LED Flashlight is your ultimate companion for the unforeseen. It’s like that friend who can fix a car, DJ a party, and give you life advice all in one night. Whether you’re battling the forces of nature or assembling a night cheese platter, this tool has you covered. While it might not replace a full-fledged toolbox, it definitely earns its place in your glove compartment, camping gear, or zombie apocalypse survival kit. So, gear up, my adventurous friends, and may the forest be with you! 

RECHOO Flashlight S3000L: The Pocket-Sized Knight in Shining Armor | Best Flashlight for Camping on Budget

Alright, all you wannabe Indiana Joneses, gather around. Grab your fedoras and put down that ancient, cursed artifact for just a second, because I have something just as captivating—a flashlight. I know, right? But wait, this isn’t just any flashlight; this is the RECHOO S3000L, which falls under the category of “Best Budget/ Best Value” and boy, does it have more twists and turns than a telenovela!


I took this little bad boy out on a camping trip, where, true to form, I got lost. Of course, I did. My sense of direction is so bad, I can get lost in my own living room. So there I was, alone in the dark forest, like a scene from a horror movie. But the RECHOO Flashlight? It was my co-star, lighting up the path like a Broadway stage.


At one point, I stumbled across what seemed to be an ancient burial ground. Spooky, huh? But no worries. The S3000L has an emergency SOS mode. I didn’t have to use it, but it was comforting to know that if the spirits got too friendly, I had a flashlight that could double as a rescue flare.

RECHOO Flashlight S3000L

Check Price

Brand GCI Outdoor
Color Neptune Royal Blue
Material Alloy Steel
Product Dimensions 35.6″D x 26.2″W x 38.8″H
Size One size


Key Features

Hold onto Your Hats, This Gets Good

Super Bright and Rechargeable

Let’s start with the spotlight, or should I say the flashlight. This tiny Hercules packs 1500 lumens. To put it in layman’s terms, it’s like having a mini sun in your pocket. We’re talking about light bright enough to spotlight every single hair on a mosquito’s leg from yards away.


Double Switch 5 Modes

Oh, it has moods, alright. With its advanced double-switch design, it gives you the best of both worlds. One button is your daily pal, offering High, Medium, and Low settings for casual, “Where the heck did I drop my keys?” searches. Then there’s the emergency button, because, you know, life happens. This one is your Strobe and SOS, and one click transforms your flashlight into a disco ball or a lifesaver.


Long -lasting and USB Rechargeable

A full charge will last you 10 hours on low mode. That’s longer than most Hollywood marriages. And it’s USB rechargeable. I mean, if it had a dating profile, long walks on the beach would be its second-best feature.


Durable and Waterproof

Military-grade aluminum alloy and IP65 waterproof. This thing is tough; it could survive a tumble down Mount Everest or a dunk in your kitchen sink. Just don’t submerge it for extended periods; it’s waterproof, not a submarine.


Extra Goodies

Did I mention it comes with a Type-C charging cable, extra USB covers, and a manual that you’ll probably never read but should? All this for a budget-friendly price that won’t require you to sell a kidney.


Why You’ll Want to Marry It

Insanely Bright: Remember the mini-sun analogy? Not kidding.

Switch-a-Roo Functionality: The double switch is a game-changer; it’s like having two flashlights in one.

Battery for Days: Long-lasting battery life, and rechargeable to boot.

Robust as a Wrestler: Waterproof, shockproof, and tough enough to tackle any outdoor escapade you can dream up.


Or, “Nobody’s Perfect”

Can’t Swim for Long: It’s waterproof but not meant for extended underwater escapades.

Not Exactly Featherweight: At 5.6 ounces, it’s not heavy, but you’ll know you’re carrying something.

So there it is, ladies and gents: the RECHOO S3000L. It’s not just a flashlight; it’s a Swiss Army knife of luminescence. Whether you’re spelunking in the depths of an uncharted cave or searching for that elusive sock under your bed, this flashlight has got you covered. Affordable, durable, and brighter than a Mensa convention, what’s not to love? Now go forth and explore, and may your path be ever illuminated. 

The Dorcy 150 Lumen Floating Flashlight: When It’s Sink or Swim for Your Outdoor Lighting

Ahoy, there, campers, hikers, and various other night-time wanderers! Ever been on an adventure and wished you had a flashlight that’s as good in water as Michael Phelps is in an Olympic-sized pool? Well, you’re in luck because I’ve been diving into the nitty-gritty of the Dorcy 150 Lumen Floating Water Resistant LED Flashlight. Yes, it floats. It’s like a rubber ducky but way more useful.



The Swim Test—Because Roads Are So Last Season


So, what did I do first when I got my hands on this buoyant beam of brilliance? I threw it into the lake, of course! Yes, for science! And guess what? It floated like a cork in a wine bottle, and it wasn’t just treading water; it was shining bright like a diamond (thank you, Rihanna).

Dorcy 150 Lumen Floating Flashlight

Check Price

Brand MacSports
Color Steel Blue
Material Stainless Steel, Fabric
Product Dimensions 31.1″D x 31.9″W x 36.6″H
Back Style Solid Back



Key Features

Rubber Meets the Water

The Floater: Not only is it water-resistant, but it also floats. A perfect companion if you’re kayaking at night or you have butterfingers during a midnight fishing expedition.

Mega Lumens: 150 of them to be exact. That’s like turning the sun on at night for a moment. With a beam distance of 230 meters, you might just see into the future.

Run-Time to Rival an Energizer Bunny: 6 hours and 30 minutes. You could watch the entire “Lord of the Rings” trilogy and still have time to find your way to the bathroom.

Tail Cap Carabiner Clip: You can clip this bad boy onto your belt loop, backpack, or even your pet raccoon, Steve. Steve loves it, trust me.

Shock Absorbing Rubber: This isn’t just a flashlight; it’s a flashlight wrapped in the kind of rubber that would make a tire jealous. Slip-free and feels like you’re holding onto a cloud.


The Highs

Resilience: Drop it, toss it, heck, play underwater catch with it; this flashlight can take a beating.


Versatility: That carabiner clip makes it a hiker’s dream, a camper’s companion, and a spelunker’s soulmate.


No More Darkness: With 150 lumens, you’re not just defeating the dark; you’re annihilating it.


Instant Use: It comes with 3 AA batteries. No extra purchases are necessary unless you want to buy one for each member of your family, including the dog.


A Bit of Cloud on This Sunny Day

Weight: At 4.5 ounces, it’s not the featherweight champion of flashlights, but hey, what’s a few extra ounces when you’re not getting lost in the dark?

Material: Made from plastic, this flashlight isn’t winning any “best dressed” awards. It’s dressed more for comfort, you could say.

The Color: Listen, yellow is great, it’s the color of sunshine, but if you’re going for that tactical, ninja-esque aesthetic, this flashlight is not the choice.

Lights, Water, Action: The Final Glimmer

In conclusion, the Dorcy 150 Lumen Floating isn’t just another flashlight. It’s the Swiss Army knife of flashlights. Is it perfect? No. But if you find yourself in a downpour or accidentally drop it while you’re crossing a river, this flashlight will laugh in the face of adversity and say, “Is that all you’ve got?”


So go ahead, get one, and make your next outdoor escapade a shining success. Trust me; you won’t want to leave home without this water-lovin’, light-spewin’, shock-absorbing miracle. And neither will Steve the raccoon.

A Journey with the IP44 Spotlight Handheld Flashlight | Best Rechargeable Large LED Flashlight

So, you find yourself in the great outdoors—far from civilization, where you’re the new Discovery Channel reality show. Only, instead of drama, the plot revolves around you losing your way back to your tent after a midnight restroom break. But hold your horses and save that panic for the next cliffhanger because we’re about to introduce you to a flashlight that’s basically the sun’s cooler, portable sibling. Meet the IP44 Spotlight Handheld Flashlight, the 8th wonder of the camping world!


A Spotless Test Run

To say I gave this torch a road test would be an understatement; it was more like an off-road, mud-splashing, river-crossing marathon! I took it boating at dusk, hunting in the early morning fog, and even for a bit of impromptu disco on a moonless night in the woods. Spoiler alert: It shone brighter than my chances of surviving in the wild without it.


At one point, I switched on the side lamp to test its “ambient light” claims and let me tell you, that campfire might as well have been a prop. The spotlight stole the show. If campfires could file for unemployment, they would.

IP44 Spotlight Handheld Flashlight (3)

Check Price

Brand Amazon Basics
Color Blue
Material ‎Polyester, Alloy Steel
Product Dimensions 21″D x 28″W x 36″H
Item Weight 2.77 Kilograms

Key Features

The Luminous Lowdown

Material and Durability: Remember that ABS plastic they mentioned? Well, that’s not just Alphabet Soup. It stands for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, a heavy-duty material that makes this flashlight as durable as a rubber tire in a cactus field.


Brightness: This light packs a lumens punch that would make a firefly feel self-conscious. With 4 high-light headlights and 1 side lamp, you’ve got more lighting options than a Broadway stage manager.


Multiple Modes: Four gears folks—strong light, low light, flashing (not to be used at parties unless you’re the DJ), and the fantastic side light. Each has its own unique charm, kind of like the members of a boy band.


Ergonomic and Portable: You can hold it as naturally as you would your significant other’s hand, only this won’t squeeze back in discomfort. Also, it’s lighter than a feather-stuffed pillow.


Battery Life and Charging: USB charging means you can power it up using your car, your laptop, or an old-school wall socket. Plus, the battery indicator is like your mum, reminding you to take care of yourself—only it’s less naggy.

Spot On Pros

It’s Essentially a Portable Sun: You can light up a whole forest or blind a UFO, your choice. The spotlight range is 200 to 500 meters; you could lead an expedition to Mordor with this.


Multiple Use Cases: Whether you’re boating on a lake that’s darker than your humor or hunting something that you’re sure is hunting you too, this flashlight is your BFF.


Built Like a Tank: It’s waterproof and has a durable finish that can handle bumps, falls, and the occasional, accidental swim when you’re fishing.


Battery Indicator: It’s a tiny feature that makes a world of difference. Never again will you be caught in the dark, literally.


A Few (Tiny) Shadows

Size Matters: While its size contributes to its ‘spotlight’ feature, it may not be what you’re looking for if you’re all about that minimalist backpacking life. The flashlight isn’t enormous, but it’s not exactly a pocket pal either.


The Button-Switch Learning Curve: The touch-three-functions switch isn’t overly complicated, but let’s just say it’s not exactly as intuitive as swiping right. Expect a short “getting to know you” phase.


No Batteries: This could be a pro or a con depending on your viewpoint. The fact that it’s rechargeable means you can’t just slap in some new batteries if you’re out for an extended period without a power source. You’ll have to find a USB port somewhere, which, last time I checked, trees haven’t started growing yet.

The Spotlight Steals the Show: 

So, should you add this behemoth of a flashlight to your already burgeoning collection of outdoor gear? Well, if you’re tired of squinting into the dark and enjoy being able to see your path, your boat, your prey—or even signaling extraterrestrial life—then the answer is a spotlight-worthy YES.


Remember, a reliable source of light is not just an accessory; it’s a lifeline. And with the Spotlight Handheld Flashlight, you’ve got a light that’s not just bright, but right in so many ways. It’s the Arnold Schwarzenegger of flashlights: strong, versatile, and with a few complex buttons you’ll eventually figure out. So go ahead, make this the star of your next outdoor adventure. After all, in the realm of flashlights, this one definitely deserves top billing.

The Solar-Powered Hand Crank Flashlight by Stalwart | Best Solar Power and Hand Crank

The great outdoors. Where the s’mores are gooey, the campfire stories are spooky, and the raccoons are as cunning as a cat burglar on espresso. You’ve got the tent set up like a champ, and your sleeping bag is rolled out. Then it hits you—you forgot batteries for your flashlight. Fear not, Earth Ranger! Today, I’m about to introduce you to a sassy little number that not only scoffs at your alkaline AAs but also flips the bird to electricity itself. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the Solar Powered Hand Crank Flashlight by Stalwart.


Personal Experience When Testing

 I took this bad boy out to Yosemite. A perfect spot for a romantic camping weekend, me and my flashlight against the elements. Like a true first date, we spent the day basking under the sun, where it charged itself up with that sweet, free solar goodness. By the time nightfall arrived, this little gem was fully charged and ready to dazzle.


At the stroke of midnight, when every camper knows monsters and fairytale creatures come alive, I decided to venture off to the dreaded campground bathrooms. Armed with my trusty Stalwart flashlight, I was lighting up the forest path like a Christmas tree in Times Square. Not only did it work flawlessly, but I also felt like an eco-friendly Thor with a light hammer.

Check Price

Color Black
Material Steel, Polyester, Mesh
Product Dimensions 18.11″D x 22.83″W x 42.13″H
Size Oversized

Key Features

Durability: This isn’t your grandma’s porcelain china; it’s built like a tank but weighs about as much as a feather. The matte finish makes it look like it was designed by a survivalist who moonlights as a minimalist artist.


No Batteries Required: That’s right, it’s like that guy who brings a guitar to the party and doesn’t need an amp. Solar power for daytime charging and a hand crank for feeling like you’re winding up an old-fashioned well pump.


Compact and Versatile Light: It’s not just about size; it’s how you use it. And this light uses its dimensions well, fitting snugly in your hand or clipped onto your belt. It’s like a Swiss Army knife but without the potential for cutting yourself.


Army Green Aesthetic: Perfect for blending in if you’re being pursued by Bigfoot, or just want to feel like an eco-warrior.


Green Energy: No batteries or electricity are required. This thing is so green it could star in its own superhero movie: “Solar Flash—The Renewable Reckoner.”


Durable: Survive drops, fumbles, and the accidental dip in a creek. Believe me, I tested it. Sorry, little buddy!


Lightweight: At a measly 3 ounces, you won’t even notice it in your pack. It’s like a feather that shines a light.


Clip-On Feature: Clip it to your backpack, your dog, or even your keychain. This is the hands-free gadget you never knew you needed until now.


Material: While it is durable, it’s made of plastic. So if you’re against plastic in any form, this isn’t your cup of reusable bamboo tea.


Manual Labor: You’ve got to crank this baby up occasionally. So if you have the upper body strength of a noodle, it might be a workout.


Solar Charging Limits: Solar charging is great, but not when it’s cloudy or nighttime. But then again, that’s when you pull out your best Hercules impression and hand-crank it.

So what’s the verdict? If you’re a camper, hiker, or just someone preparing for the next zombie apocalypse, this flashlight is your new best friend. It’s green, it’s mean, and it doesn’t require a team of electricians to operate. Whether you’re going full Bear Grylls or simply want to reduce your carbon footprint, the Solar Powered Hand Crank Flashlight by Stalwart is like that multitool you can’t help but bring everywhere. Trust me, this flashlight is the Chuck Norris of sustainable lighting. Don’t be left in the dark—go green or go home!

The YIERBLUE Rechargeable Spotlight Review: Best Rechargeable Spotlight/ Flashlight

Ever been in a situation where you needed to light up the night, but your dinky little flashlight just wasn’t cutting it? Enter the YIERBLUE Rechargeable Spotlight. let me regale you with a tale of the YIERBLUE Rechargeable Spotlight. A flashlight so powerful, it might just make the sun a tad jealous.


Personal Experience When Testing:

The first time I tested this bad boy, I was out in the woods, and let’s just say the darkness was thicker than my grandma’s gravy. I clicked on the YIERBLUE, and BOOM! It was like holding a mini-sun in my hand. I swear I saw a couple of nocturnal animals put on sunglasses. And when I used the side floodlight to read my Horror Mystery Book “The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon”, it was as if daylight had made a special guest appearance just for me.

YIERBLUE Rechargeable Spotlight (3)

Check Price

Brand Outsunny
Color Black
Material Steel Frame, Texteline
Product Dimensions 47.25″D x 26.5″W x 40.25″H
Item Weight 22 Pounds

Key Features

Ultra-Bright Main Light: With a whopping 200,000 lumen, this flashlight can illuminate over 2600ft. That’s like turning night into day from one end of a runway to the other!

Extra Flood Side Light: Perfect for those close-up tasks. It’s like having a gentle campfire glow, without the smoke getting in your eyes.

Red & Blue Warning Light: For those moments when you’re channeling your inner disco or, you know, need to signal for help.

Extended Battery Life: With 10000mAh, this flashlight lasts longer than my last diet. Plus, it doubles as a power bank. Talk about multitasking!

Durability: Made from military-grade ABS material and aluminum alloy, this flashlight can take a beating and keep on shining. It’s like the Rocky Balboa of flashlights.

Tripod Mount: Yes, you read it right, this beast comes with a tripod. This will help you having a third hand! Place, mount, enjoy! It’s easy, isn’t it?


Versatility: From a super-bright spotlight to a gentle floodlight, this flashlight has got you covered.

Rechargeable: Say goodbye to constantly buying batteries. This flashlight is the gift that keeps on giving… light.

Portable & Durable: It’s tough, it’s rugged, and it comes with a foldable tripod. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of flashlights.

Water-Resistant: Rain? Snow? This flashlight laughs in the face of moisture!


Weight: At 1.7 pounds, it’s not the lightest flashlight on the block. But hey, think of it as a mini workout.

Size: It’s a bit on the larger side, so maybe not the best for your pocket. But with this much power, who’s complaining?

In the vast sea of flashlights, the YIERBLUE Rechargeable Spotlight stands out like a lighthouse on a stormy night. Whether you’re camping, hiking, or just trying to find that sock that disappeared under your bed, this flashlight has got your back. It’s more than just a flashlight; it’s a beacon of hope in a dark world. So, the next time you’re venturing into the abyss (or just the basement), make sure you’ve got the YIERBLUE by your side. Shine on, dear reader, shine on!

Buyers guide

Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose the Best Camping Flashlight

Camping always reminds me of the time to embrace Mother Nature, dodge mosquito attacks, and inevitably regret your decision to use your smartphone as your primary light source—right when you need to find the zipper to your tent at 3 a.m. in pitch blackness. That’s why your forested rendezvous isn’t complete without a trusty flashlight. Not all camping flashlights are born equal, though, so we’re here to help you make an enlightened choice.

Factors to Consider

Let’s break it down like an embarrassing dad dance, shall we?

The Physics of Light and Optical Technologies

Lumens, Candela, Beam Distance—Oh My!

Remember when you were a kid, and you thought the brighter the flashlight, the better? Ah, to be young and ignorant! Lumens tell us how “bright” a flashlight is, but candela takes into account the directionality of that light. Ever used a 1000-lumen flashlight only to discover it barely lights up the path ahead? That’s because its candela—a measure of “focused brightness”—was likely low. Beam distance then puts lumens and candela in practical terms: how far can this sucker actually light up?

LED Efficiency and Color Temperature

CRI is to flashlights what GPA is to students. A high Color Rendering Index means colors under the light look more true-to-life. Great for spotting that snake that’s cleverly color-coordinated with the forest floor!

Lens and Reflector: The Stage Managers of Light

It’s not just about brightness; it’s also about style! Whether you prefer the ‘spotlight diva’ or the ‘ambient mood setter,’ your flashlight’s optical lens and reflector design help set the stage. Some even come adjustable. Flashlights are the chameleons of the lighting world. 

Battery Technology and Energy Efficiency

Electrochemical Potentials and Energy Densities

Alright, let’s talk batteries. Picture this: you’re in a James Bond movie and you have to choose between Alkaline, Lithium-ion, and NiMH to power your flashlight-slash-laser-cutter. Alkaline is like that reliable but underwhelming sidekick; does the job but lacks flair. Lithium-ion is your tech-savvy gadget guru, high energy, but might need some ‘cooling-off.’ NiMH? That’s your eco-friendly friend, less drama, but also less power. Choose wisely.

Run-time vs Brightness

Want a flashlight brighter than your future? Sure, but it might last shorter than your last relationship. The trick is balancing lumens and runtime like a tightrope walker over a pit of alligators. 

Rechargeable or Disposable?

Our ancestors dealt with rocks and sticks; we deal with USB cables and wall outlets. But, hey, if you want to reduce your carbon footprint while trampling through the forest, go for rechargeable options. Your future grandkids will thank you.

Material Science in Flashlight Construction

Alu-minium or Alu-minum?

Anodized Aluminum is the Arnold Schwarzenegger of flashlight materials—strong yet lightweight. Stainless Steel is more like your solid, dependable Aunt Gertrude. Polymers are the new kids on the block: edgy, lightweight but a bit less tough. Choose your squad wisely.

The Trials and Tribulations of Flashlight Durability

When it comes to waterproof and impact resistance, we’re talking about the IPX and ANSI FL1 standards. Think of them as the SATs for your flashlight. No one really understands them, but they’re incredibly important.

Beyond Vanilla: Exotic Coatings

Enter Cerakote and Diamond-Like Carbon coatings. These are like giving your flashlight a superhero cape; they enhance durability like spinach does for Popeye.

Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering

It’s All in the Grip

Imagine trying to shake hands with an octopus—slippery, right? Same goes for a flashlight with the wrong grip texture. Whether you have palms that sweat like Niagara Falls or the coarse hands of a seasoned lumberjack, there’s a grip texture made just for you. And let’s not forget shape. You want to cradle your flashlight like a newborn, not grip it like you’re arm wrestling. Biomechanics, people! It’s not just for Olympians.

Size Matters, But Weight Distribution Matters More

You could carry Thor’s hammer, but would you want to? Heftiness has its place but remember, you’re not just wielding this thing for a ten-second Instagram photo. Weight distribution and size play a crucial role in how the flashlight feels over time, like whether you’ll end your night with a torch-lit tango or a lumbar strain.

Tactile Dreams: Switches and Feedback

The debate of the century: Tactical vs. side switch! It’s like choosing between pizza and tacos, both are awesome, but context is king. Tactical switches work great when you’re wearing gloves. Side switches? More intuitive and often programmable. And haptic feedback? That’s like your flashlight whispering sweet affirmations every time you switch modes. Ah, technology!

Advanced Features and Innovations

Flashlights Go to Finishing School: IoT and Sensors

Some flashlights come with embedded sensors and adaptive lighting, essentially becoming the smartphones of the outdoor world. Imagine a flashlight that adjusts its brightness based on how dark it is. It’s like having a tiny Einstein in your pocket, calculating photon probabilities just for you!

Modular Attachments

Want your flashlight to moonlight as a UV light or a makeshift disco ball? With modular attachments like UV light modules and diffusers, your flashlight can wear many hats, or should I say, beams.

Master the Force: Intelligent Circuitry

And here comes the sorcery—Pulse-width Modulation (PWM) and constant current regulation. These technologies ensure your flashlight is a maestro at power management, giving you peak performance without draining your batteries faster than a toddler’s attention span.

Ecological Considerations

Shedding Light Without Polluting Light

Love stargazing? Then opt for a flashlight that minimizes light pollution. You get to enjoy the Big Dipper without being the big dip who ruins it for everyone else.

Born to Be Wild, But Sustainable

Material choices also have ecological implications. Take life cycle analysis into account before purchasing. Is your flashlight biodegradable or just another hunk of metal destined for a landfill?

Recycle, Rinse, and Repeat

E-waste is the villain in our environmental storyline. So, make sure your flashlight isn’t contributing to this diabolical plot by opting for recyclable materials and batteries.

Financial Analysis

Lumens-per-Dollar: The New Gold Standard

You wouldn’t buy a sports car without checking its miles-per-gallon, so why ignore the lumens-per-dollar of your flashlight? Sure, one may offer the brightness of a supernova, but is it worth its weight in gold?

Lifetime Warranty or Lifetime of Worry?

Last but not least, the money talk isn’t complete without mentioning warranty and repairability. Think of this as the “in sickness and in health” vow for your flashlight.

There you have it—a masterclass in camping flashlights. From the quantum mechanics of LEDs to the social responsibility of eco-friendly choices, you’re now armed with the knowledge to select the perfect luminary companion for your outdoor adventures.

Testing Methodology: How we test the Best Camping Flashlights

We understand that picking a flashlight isn’t like picking your favorite pair of socks. You’re investing in your comfort and safety, and possibly preventing a midnight stubbed toe or two. That’s why our testing methodology is far from a flimsy on-and-off flicker test.

Real-World Testing, Because Labs Don’t Have Mosquitoes

We test these bad boys in actual campgrounds, not sterile labs where the harshest condition is overly aggressive air conditioning. Our team of testers includes a mix of avid campers and total newbies because let’s face it, everyone can use a flashlight.


Categories of Testing: From Tent to Toilet

Campground Use: A Luminous Game of Hopscotch and Obstacle Course Rolled Into One

Imagine yourself navigating through a maze of tents, outdoor chairs, and the occasional wayward frisbee. You don’t want to be that guy, the one who stumbles over tent pegs and makes everyone else question their neighborly choice. Your flashlight needs to offer a broad enough beam to help you avoid these common camping pitfalls while not being so bright that you wake up half the campground. And let’s not forget the ergonomics; if it feels like you’re holding a roll of quarters, chances are, you’re going to drop it right when you need it the most—like when you’re trying to sidestep that suspiciously moist ground that you really don’t want to step in.

Tent Use: Illuminating Your Nylon Palace

When the sun bows down and you retreat to your nylon sanctuary, you’d ideally like your flashlight to create an atmosphere that’s cozy but functional. It should light up the essentials—your sleeping bag, your camping pillow, and that novel you’ve been meaning to read—without turning your tent into a scene from a horror movie by spotlighting creepy crawlies in the corners. Think of your tent as a small studio apartment; your flashlight should be the equivalent of a well-placed floor lamp, offering just enough lighting options to keep things comfy but not so much that you feel like you’re in an interrogation room.

Bathroom Test: The Camp Bathroom Olympics

Ah, the bathroom sprint—a true camping classic. You’re looking for a flashlight that can guide you through the uneven terrain, around the tree that looks like it came straight out of a scary movie, and finally to the sanctuary of the porcelain throne. It needs to have enough power to help you avoid those pitfalls (literally) but also be subtle enough not to attract moths, mosquitoes, and other critters who might be more interested in your activities than you’d like. And what about once you’re inside? That’s when the real challenge begins. A poorly lit bathroom scenario can quickly turn disastrous, so your flashlight needs to handle close-up tasks like ensuring you grab the right leaf—or toilet paper, if you’re fancy.

Weight Check: The Featherweight Champion Test

Your flashlight should be many things, but an anchor isn’t one of them. If holding your lanterns feels like you’re doing a one-handed kettlebell workout, then it’s too heavy. That’s why we include testers from all walks of life, from the gym-rat campers who can do push-ups with their pinkies to the preteens who think a full backpack is a form of medieval torture. A well-designed flashlight should be user-friendly for all, so if a 12-year-old can manage to operate it without developing a bicep, then it’s likely a winner in the weight category.

Final Thoughts on the Best Camping Flashlight

Ah, you’ve traipsed through the luminous labyrinth of flashlights! From the godly GearLight S1000 to NEBO Torchy—the pocket dynamo. A few takeaways? It’s not merely brightness that matters; it’s your specific needs. Remember that evening you wished your Dorcy 150 could float? Or that woodland jaunt when Stalwart’s multi-tool flashlight would have opened that stubborn wine bottle? Yep. Special needs for special deeds, my friend.

Do you need it eco-friendly? Go solar with Stalwart’s crankable beauty. Skint? RECHOO’s your knight in shining, budget-friendly armor. We tested these flashlights rigorously, in places you don’t even wanna know. Trust our judgment here.

In the end, it’s not about how your flashlight works but how well it fits into your lifestyle. Be it for boating, alien abduction (!!!) , or regular old camping, there’s a flashlight that’s just right for you. Let your chosen flashlight guide you—whether you’re scaling peaks or just avoiding stumbling over your tent pegs. Keep shining!



What’s best flashlight for camping?

The best flashlight for camping depends on your needs and budget. Some factors to consider include brightness, beam distance, battery life, and durability. As we discussed above on this, here are a few more of the best camping flashlights on the market:

  • Fenix PD36R PRO is a powerful flashlight with 1,800 lumens of brightness and a long-range beam.
  • Olight Warrior X Pro is a compact and lightweight flashlight with 2,000 lumens of brightness and a magnetic tailcap.
  • Sofirn SP36 PRO Anduril 2 is an affordable and versatile flashlight with over 5,000 lumens of brightness and a variety of features.

How many lumens do I need for a camping flashlight?

The number of lumens you need for a camping flashlight depends on your needs. For general camping, 400-600 lumens is a good starting point. If you need more brightness for hiking or night fishing, you can go up to 1,000 lumens or more.

What flashlight do most police officers use?

Most police officers use a flashlight with a minimum of 500 lumens. Some popular choices include the Streamlight Stinger LED and the SureFire G2X Pro.

How many lumens is a good flashlight for camping?

A good flashlight for camping should have at least 400 lumens of brightness. This will give you enough light to see around your campsite and hike in the dark. You should also look for a flashlight with a long battery life and a durable construction.

Is 150 lumens good for camping?

150 lumens is not enough for camping. You will need at least 400 lumens for general camping. If you are hiking or night fishing, you will need even more brightness.

Is 1000 lumens good for camping?

1000 lumens is a good amount of brightness for camping. This will give you enough light to see around your campsite and hike in the dark. However, it is important to note that a flashlight with this much brightness can also be very blinding, so be careful not to point it at people or animals.

Is 500 lumens bright enough for camping?

500 lumens is a good amount of brightness for camping. This will give you enough light to see around your campsite and hike in the dark. However, if you are hiking or night fishing, you may want to consider a flashlight with more brightness.

What kind of flashlight do police officers use?

Most police officers use a flashlight with a minimum of 500 lumens. Some popular choices include the Streamlight Stinger LED and the SureFire G2X Pro.

What is the highest rated police flashlight?

The highest rated police flashlight is the SureFire G2X Pro. It has 600 lumens of brightness and a durable construction.

Does law enforcement use Streamlight?

Yes, law enforcement uses Streamlight flashlights. Streamlight is a popular brand of flashlights that are known for their durability and performance.

How many lumens is a standard police flashlight?

The standard police flashlight has 500 lumens of brightness. This is enough brightness for most police work, such as searching for suspects or conducting traffic stops.

What is the best camping flashlight?

The best camping flashlight for you will depend on your needs and budget. Consider the factors mentioned above when choosing a flashlight for your next camping trip.

How many lumens do I need for a strong flashlight?

The number of lumens you need for a strong flashlight depends on what you will be using it for. For general use, 400-600 lumens is a good starting point. If you need more brightness for hiking or night fishing, you can go up to 1,000 lumens or more.

The best torch camping?

The best torch camping is the one that meets your needs and budget. Consider the factors mentioned above when choosing a torch for your next camping trip.

Author of Camping Campaign

Short Bio of the Author

Ryan Cooper, 38, is a storyteller at heart. Raised on classic adventure novels and epic fantasies, he developed a deep appreciation for the power of words. His blog is an extension of his imaginative world, combining his love for writing with his fascination for outdoor escapades

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At Camping Campaign, our mission is simple yet powerful: to be your go-to source for all things camping. We’re not just another run-of-the-mill website; we’re a community of passionate campers sharing our stories, insights, and reviews to help you maximise your outdoor escapades. Trusting the information and recommendations you find online is essential, especially when it comes to something as important as camping. Read More..

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we are a team of dedicated campers, sharing our personal tales from the great outdoors, inspiring you with thrilling stories under the stars. But that’s not all! we also serve up practical, insightful content on camping, helping you navigate the wilderness with ease. From the latest gadgets to the most reliable gear, we review a wide range of camping essentials, making sure you’re always prepared for your next adventure.



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