
About Us

Welcome to Camping Campaign, we are a team of dedicated campers, sharing our personal tales from the great outdoors, inspiring you with thrilling stories under the stars. But that’s not all! we also serve up practical, insightful content on camping, helping you navigate the wilderness with ease. From the latest gadgets to the most reliable gear, we review a wide range of camping essentials, making sure you’re always prepared for your next adventure. So join us as we explore the world of camping, one campsite at a time!


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Camping Campaign Team in a forest camping

Why Trust Us

Expertise and Experience

We are not just an observer but an active participant in camping adventures. Our experiences stem from countless trips, offering you insights from first-hand experiences that few can match.

Honest Reviews

When it comes to gear and gadgets, we provide unbiased, honest reviews. We are not influenced by brands or partnerships – Our sole aim is to help you make the best-informed decisions. Last but not the least, We have a dedicated team for Testing and Reviewing products!

Educational Content

Our informative articles are based on careful research, practical know-how, and genuine experiences. They are designed to equip you with the knowledge you need to have the best possible camping experience.

Community Driven

Camping Campaign is not just about us, it’s about all of us who share a love for camping. We value the shared stories, tips, and advice from the community, making us a trusted source of collective wisdom.

Our Team

A short introduction to your team members and why their background should inspire potential clients’ confidence.

Editor of Camping Campaign

Michael Turner


Author of Camping Campaign

Alex Carter


Author of Camping Campaign

Sarah Thompson


Author of Camping Campaign

Emily Miller


Author of Camping Campaign

Michael Turner


Freelance Product Tester

Ethan Chambers

Freelance Tester

Freelance Product Tester

Jessica Thompson

Freelance tester

“Embrace Adventure: Discover Your Perfect Camping Escape with Us”

Have a brilliant idea for a camping adventure or a burning question about our site? We’d love to hear from you! Whether it’s a unique camping concept, a special event, or just seeking advice on planning your trip, our team is here to listen and collaborate. Let’s connect and turn your camping dreams into reality!”

Contact Us

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Camping Campaign

we are a team of dedicated campers, sharing our personal tales from the great outdoors, inspiring you with thrilling stories under the stars. But that’s not all! we also serve up practical, insightful content on camping, helping you navigate the wilderness with ease. From the latest gadgets to the most reliable gear, we review a wide range of camping essentials, making sure you’re always prepared for your next adventure.



Quick Links
Get In Touch
  • 778 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA 02120, USA
  • admin@campingcampaign.com
  • support@campingcampaign.com
  • Phone: +1-202-555-0140
  • Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Camping Campaign© 2023 All Rights Reserved.